CS420 Game Hacking Course

2 min readJun 29, 2021

CS420 is THE BEST game hacking course out there on the internet. It is specifically made to serve as an introduction to world of game hacking for our new members. This game hacking course will teach you all the basics you need to know to become a successful game hacker. You don’t believe me? Look around the forum, all these people that are posting best game hacking tutorials and threads started their journey with CS420. That’s good enough proof to me that this game hacking course will set you up for success and you will learn game hacking the proper way. Enough talking, let us introduce you to your professor.

Your game hacking professor is Zac. He’s been a GH member for a very long time and a very good friend of ours. He shared a lot of valuable game hacking posts and helped thousands of people here on our forum. He is very experienced in game hacking and member of dank GH family. He taught many students how to hack games and he constantly shares his knowledge to our newcomers. He also has a game called Squally which is available to download on Steam. It’s the only game that is focusing on how to learn game hacking. This course will be based on this game, so get it from Steam and help support Zac. Following his game hacking course you will learn everything from using cheat engine to editing assembly. This is the best resource to learn game hacking.

CS420 is divided in so called chapters. Each chapter will teach you something new, but it’s also gonna build your knowledge on top of previous chapters. It is really important that you follow each chapter and take it seriously if you really want to learn game hacking. All of the chapters in this game hacking course are both in video and text format so it’s up to you to choose which learning method you like better. Zac is really good at explaining stuff, all you have to do is listen to him carefully and practice on your own.

