SEH Buffer Overflows

2 min readAug 14, 2023

Structured Exception Handling (SEH) based overflow is a sophisticated attack technique used in exploit development. It involves manipulating the SEH chain within an application to divert the execution flow towards malicious payloads. Understanding and executing SEH based overflow necessitates deep knowledge of exploitation techniques, careful planning, and the right tools. Below, we’ll outline the salient features of SEH based overflow, highlighting some valuable resources for mastering this challenging subject.

Understanding and Executing SEH Based Overflow

SEH based overflow is an intricate technique in the field of binary exploit development. For those keen to understand the underpinnings of this method, a detailed exploit post provides insights into creating a simple buffer overflow using VulnServer. The post explains the fundamental principles, walking the reader through a real-world application of SEH based overflow. Additionally, VulnServer, available on GitHub, serves as an excellent resource for practical experience, offering a platform to practice and hone skills related to SEH overflow.

Tools and Libraries for SEH Overflow

The effectiveness of SEH based overflow exploits is amplified by the utilization of the right tools and libraries. A substantial enhancement in the field is the use of pwntools, an essential tool for exploit development. An intro to pwntools article guides users through the basics of this powerful tool. The tutorial explains how pwntools can streamline the process of writing exploits, making it indispensable for SEH based overflow tasks.

Advanced Techniques and Learning Resources

Expanding knowledge and perfecting SEH based overflow techniques requires delving into advanced topics. For those looking to deepen their understanding, an elaborate post on SEH based overflow is available, focusing on the complex mechanisms involved in the technique. Moreover, a dedicated section for binary exploit courses on Guided Hacking offers comprehensive tutorials and practical lessons, ensuring the mastery of SEH based overflow and related topics.

SEH based overflow is an intricate aspect of exploit development, demanding a robust understanding of underlying principles, application of specific tools, and continuous learning. The resources highlighted above form a cohesive path to mastering this challenging technique. They offer theoretical insights, practical guides, and advanced tutorials, ensuring that practitioners are well-equipped to engage with SEH based overflow in a competent and effective manner.

